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Our company

We are an Argentinian company of survey with many years of experience in the field of inspection in both, domestic and international markets. We are specialized in weight and quality control of a wide range of products during the process of shipment, including loading and unloading of goods.
  • (+54 11) 4785.4505 | 4782.7131
  • |

Servicios de inspección agrícola

Our local offices, partners and inspectors worldwide are well recognised by the corresponding authorities of the different countries in order to perform their duties according to the standard basis of every country.

We inspect all kinds of grains, seeds and rice commercialized and transported between ports or through inland routes, both for human and animal consumption.
Products include rice, grains and cereal sub-products, peanut, seed oils, soya bean, wheat, lentil, onion, garlic, sorghum, manioc, yellow corn, and their sub-products.

Agriculture inspection services

Our services

We reach every port and establishment in Argentina by sending inspectors to every plant, fabric, warehouse or terminal in order to perform the mentioned tasks.

Control and Certification of products for export
Control and weight certification
Control of vessels, barges and trucks (Reception)
Determination of Transgenic and Non Transgenic goods
Inspection and Certification of Tanks, Holes and empty Barges
Determination of Damaged Goods
Estimation of Vessels Stability, Surveys, etc.
Estimation of Shipments, Empty container certification, Draft Survey
F.O.G for weight and quality, and other special services with or without ocean insurance coverage
Fumigation of vessels, cargo and warehouses is an absolute need and therefore we offer this type of service

Containers inspection

ISB has developed a division specialized in control, loading of containers and certification in agricultural commodities.

Main products controlled:
Popcorn, LRK bean, Black bean, Haricot, Confectionery Sunflower, among others.

Our services consist on:

  • Inspection and certification of empty containers prior to loading.
  • Weight and quality control of goods to be loaded.
  • Load report / It includes pictures.s
  • Issuing of certificates of weight, quality and condition of the goods.

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